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Save water! For the environment and your wallet

Save water! For the environment and your wallet

Summers are hotter and drier than they used to be. Private households and companies alike are therefore increasingly being urged to save water. But how should we go about it? And how does saving water help combat additional costs from rising gas and electricity prices? We have the answers and practical (water) saving tips!

Prevent water shortages in your area

Even in regions that typically have plenty of water, new records of drought and heat are being measured every year. This concerns us all because it is not only the levels of our rivers that are falling, but also those of the groundwater. And that’s what we are reliant on – whether as private individuals or as businesspeople. Saving water at home or at work makes a valuable contribution to preventing water shortages in your local area and avoiding the resulting problems in the drinking water supply. At watersaving.com, we offer you simple tips to actively save water and benefit from your actions in the face of rising energy prices.

Saving water is saving energy

Many people see water saving as an ineffective way to save energy. However, they are probably not aware of how energy-intensive the daily water consumption in their household is. We’ll show you: saving water is more worthwhile than you think.

  • Using water

    Did you know that we consume an average of 128 liters of water per person per day?

  • Heating water

    Most of it in the shower: Approximately 10 to 20 liters of hot water every minute, which requires energy-intensive heating.

  • Saving energy

    This heating consumes almost one kilowatt hour of energy. That’s as much as one machine of laundry or ten hours of television...

  • Reducing costs

    Gas or electricity is usually used for heating – and that’s expensive. So if you save hot water, you also reduce your energy costs!

Saving water and protecting the environment

Discover in this video how you can make an important contribution to protecting our environment and drinking water resources by acting consciously and using water-saving products. Save water, energy, CO2 and money – for a greener future!

Latest articles about water consumption and saving water

Save water and money: twelve everyday tips

The current energy crisis is affecting us all. One way to keep energy costs down is to use water more efficiently. The best thing about it: saving water is simple and can be easily integrated into everyday life. We show you how to do it.

Be smart: save water!

A small investment that would save a lot of energy long term? These water saving products make it possible to save energy, gas, and water at the washbasin, in the shower, or in the kitchen. They are very easy to install and improve your environmental footprint.

Simple water saving products for your home

Whether taking a shower, washing hands, or doing the dishes – the potential for saving water and energy in everyday activities is very high. With water saving aerators and flow regulators, you can give your kitchen and bathroom faucets an upgrade that will pay off for you – with minimal effort and without having to freeze in the shower.

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Water saving solutions in industry and public facilities

For many commercial and public facilities, there is significant potential for savings on water and energy costs. For example, energy saving flow regulators in schools, hotels, or businesses that have to provide showering facilities for their employees in accordance with workplace regulations, can ensure effective control of water flow rates and thus save costs.

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Our goal is clear: we want to encourage everyone – from individuals to companies and government institutions – to use drinking water more responsibly. 

As a knowledge hub, we provide energy efficiency tips and key info on the sustainable use of natural resources, and talk about specific water and energy saving solutions. In this way, each and every one of us can make a valuable contribution to climate and environmental protection – from our homes, in companies, or in public institutions. Every drop counts.

Watersaving.com is an initiative of the Neoperl Group, which develops innovative solutions relating to all aspects of drinking water. Whether faucet aerators, flow regulators, or check valves: these are all crucial to helping us use drinking water as a resource more sustainably.