© powered by Neoperl


Our goal is clear: we want to encourage everyone – from individuals to companies and government institutions – to use drinking water more responsibly

As a knowledge hub, we provide energy efficiency tips and key info on the sustainable use of natural resources, and talk about specific water and energy saving solutions. In this way, each and every one of us can make a valuable contribution to climate and environmental protection – from our homes, in companies, or in public institutions. Every drop counts.

Watersaving.com is an initiative of the Neoperl Group, which develops innovative solutions relating to all aspects of drinking water. Whether faucet aerators, flow regulators, or check valves: these are all crucial to helping us use drinking water as a resource more sustainably.

Save water and protect the environment at the same time

Discover how you can actively contribute to environmental protection and the conservation of our drinking water resources by making conscious decisions and using water-saving products. If you reduce your water consumption, you automatically reduce your energy requirements, CO2 emissions and costs - for a more sustainable future!